Sunday, July 7, 2013

He's Finally here!!

Okay well the morning of the 27th my water broke!!! I had my son via c-section that say day at 6:52pm. I wasn't contracting on my own and I didn't dilate past a 4 in 16 hours... Ohh and not to mention Holden was getting stressed out after all my contractions his heart beat would drop under 100 so they decided it was time to just get him out! I was so happy they decided that because I was so tired and worried about my little man. They had me on oxygen pretty much the whole time thinking that would help Holden's heart rate stay up but that didn't work. Anyways hes came out screaming and healthy! He weighted 6 pounds 11 ounces 19.5 inches long. I'm so in love with him! My husband Jason flew home from deployment just to see him born and also my parents were here for it too which was amazing!!! So please welcome Holden Douglas Westbrook into the world <3

 This is Daddy right after he was born!! The nurse was awesome and took pictures on her phone. What a proud daddy <3 I love them so much <3 XOXO.

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